Eight Days a Week – Sunday Through Sunday in Songs, Part 1

I don’t know what gave me the idea of creating this post for songs with days of the week in the title, but it’s been percolating around in my head for a while, and no better time than the present to get it done, so here we go! Most of the days will just get one song, but sometimes it’s a long day and you need more than one. In order to keep this from going on too long, I’m breaking it into two sections: Sunday – Wednesday and Thursday back to Sunday.


“Sunday Morning” by The Velvet Underground. I think this is the perfect song for a lazy Sunday morning. Whether you’re sleeping in for a late start or getting up at your usual weekday time to enjoy some peace and quiet while you drink your coffee and welcome the new day. The refrain, “Watch out, the world’s behind you. There’s always someone around you who will call. It’s nothing at all.” falls into a lazy-day kind of feel. 


“Monday Morning” by Fleetwood Mac. I do love me some Lindsey Buckingham songs! “Monday morning, you sure look fine, but Friday I’ve got travelin’ on my mind…” Lindsey’s got “nothing but love” for Stevie, we can only assume, and regardless of the fact that first, she loves him, but then she “gets on down the line.” That would drive most people crazy, but Lindsey Buckingham might already be crazy because he responds with, “I don’t mind.” He just wants to get some peace in his mind.


“Groovy Tuesday” by The Smithereens. “Woke up on a groovy Tuesday…” It’s not Monday anymore, you’re not stuck right at the very beginning of the week, right? You’re one day closer to the weekend, but then the closing line hits, “Now I know that nothing lasts, nothing lasts, nothing lasts…”

“Tuesday’s Gone” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I’m not sure that there’s a scene in a movie that I love more right now than the one in Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused. The epic party is winding down, the keg’s run dry, Wooderson’s talking up the smart red-haired girl (judges love naturally curly hair), Floyd and his crew take Slater’s suggestion to go smoke up on the 50-yard line of the football field. Unrelated, but the fact that Lynyrd Skynyrd has this and “Freebird” on their debut album speaks volumes to me about the gravity of that band.


 “Wednesday Morning, 3 AM” by Simon and Garfunkel. You know how sometimes you find yourself in the middle of the week and you’re just feeling that malaise? Well, apparently, sometimes you just rob a liquor store, “a hard liquor store” for 25 bucks and a piece of silver. What’s up with the silver? Was it in the register for a reason? I don’t know and neither does our narrator, who certainly cannot be that sweet, little Paul Simon. Maybe Artie’s the criminal? Anyway, it’s the middle of the night and you know you’re probably going to jail later that day, so why not just enjoy the peace and quiet of watching the girl you love sleep soundly?

That does it for the first half of this little exercise. Tomorrow will be part two where we’ll circle our way back to Sunday. I’ll include a Spotify playlist in the second installment that will have no musical coherence or continuity, just the days bleeding together.