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30-Day Writing Challenge, Day 13 – Your Ride to Work

trafficsource –

Ugh, this is something I can talk easily about. Since I started working at Trinity I have been subjected to something that I have been able to avoid my entire working life – Interstate Commuting. I know, a lot of people have been commuting on the Interstate for a long, long time. Well, it’s still new for me, and it’s still taking me some getting used to.

I have gone a couple of different routes, and they pretty much take the same time, 30 minutes on the way to school, 45 minutes on the way home. Both of these are subject to change with the slightest shift in the wind.

The drive is made better with good music. Usually, that’s a CD, but sometimes it comes from 1690AM  WMLB . This is the most eclectic radio station in Atlanta. I’ll hear all kinds of music on my ride and that makes it better.

The things that make it bad are the bad drivers. And there are LOTS and LOTS of bad drivers. People coming off of 400 south that try to get over to the HOV lane immediately so they either slow down to dangerous speeds or completely stop. When one person does this it causes others to do it, too.

Another aggravating thing is slowing down going around a corner. Not the super sharp corner where 85 N splits off from 75 S. Just going around the corner. “OH! OH! It’s a corner, there might be something around it! I better stop!”

I would say that the traffic radio helps know what’s ahead, but my part of the drive isn’t the part of Atlanta traffic that causes the most jam-ups, so very rarely are the parts that I’m on given traffic updates.

I say all of this, but in all honesty, I know my commute isn’t that bad. I have heard friends say they have done 90-minute commutes both ways. BOTH WAYS! Holy schnikes! The other thing is that I have a job that I love that I go to Monday – Friday. It’s not like I’m making this drive to a place I can’t stand doing something that I loathe. It’s a wonderful place with amazing people doing something I love. So, in the end, I’ll take it.

About YerLifeguard

I am a husband, father, and teacher. I am trying to find my way to inspiration and focus for the creativity that is definitely in me, but uncertain as to how to get out. This blog combines all of these things. I hope you find something you enjoy

One response to “30-Day Writing Challenge, Day 13 – Your Ride to Work

  1. jcahill21 ⋅

    Thank the Lord for good music and talk radio!

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